After a great deal of thought and discussion, we can now inform supporters that Mildenhall Speedway will not race in any league in 2024.

The club owners have made the following statement :-

“We know that this will come as a disappointment to our small but loyal support, but we feel this decision is in the best interest of the future of the club. With the two other stand-alone clubs leaving the National Development League [NDL] and Berwick also withdrawing, we felt we could not run in a further reduced competition with a handful of clubs running 'second' teams.

“It has been clear over the last two seasons, the lack of a regular fixture list, stretched across seven and a half months, has left the club with large periods of inactivity badly affecting our support and the continued actions of others has left us with important meetings being dragged late into wet October's. This has left the club in a very difficult position, with crowds of under 300 in the later part of the season heavily damaging club finances once again. With this in mind we could not commit to the NDL for 2024.

“The club is also having a change in ownership, with Greg Palmer now becoming the sole owner of Mildenhall Speedway. The other owners have already pledged their support to Greg should he require it. Greg is currently in positive discussions with the stadium, dog owners and BSPL with the intention, if possible, to run two or three non-league meetings at Mildenhall in 2024. Greg will be at the Christmas Party on Sunday 3rd December and is happy to discuss the club’s future with fans then.

“We want to make it clear to supporters that the club has neither been closed nor sold, but put on ice for a year, with the agreement of the BSPL. Greg will spend this time working to find a way for Mildenhall Speedway to return in 2025 in a league that suits the club and supporters needs, whilst providing a meaningful and viable product to enjoy. He will keep you updated as he has any news to report during 2024.

“To finish we would like to thank everyone of you who supported the club in various ways in 2023, without you we would have struggled to finish the season. We wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.”

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