The newly-constituted Mildenhall Speedway Supporters Trust (a Community Interest Company, with close to 100 signed up members now) have issued an update regarding the campaign to raise funds and get the Fen Tigers back on track for the 2025 season.
Speaking on behalf of the Trust, Steve Ribbons commented,
"Firstly we, the Steering Committee, would like to thank the support and generosity shown by the fans. Without you we wouldn't have been able to even consider going back to tapes.
"After the track inspection by the Speedway Control Board's track inspector Mr M. Bates it was established that the existing air fence belonging to the club was no longer fit for purpose and that the new style foam block safety barrier would be needed - it's the type of safety fence used successfully at King's Lynn, Glasgow, Berwick and Scunthorpe Speedway tracks. We have also put forward a design to the block manufacturers to make a ‘foam tea cosy’ to cover the uprights whilst our existing board safety fence on the straights will have an extension to the kick board to raise it up level with the top of the stock car fence. This then, we trust, will make the track as safe as it can possibly be - whilst understanding that NO Speedway track is entirely safe, such is the nature of the sport. These proposed safety enhancements then should satisfy all these unfounded rumours floating about on the internet."
Co-facilitator Kieran Phillips further updated,
“We have approached the British Speedway Promoters Ltd [BSPL] today (Monday 3/3) to pay our track bond as a sign of both good faith and our intent. The BSPL have advised that this bond payment will be taken on receipt of the necessary paperwork and a business plan - once that's all done, this then gives us a foot in the door.
"It is another step forward of what must feel to fans like a slow process, given what we have encountered even this early in the process of getting bikes back on track. However, these fence works come at a significant cost, with rough estimates that it will be more than £40,000.
"Now while this fence should last almost forever (Berwick have had theirs for ten years now), that does not help with the initial purchase price. If we are going to get this much-valued club going again we need everyone to pull together and any funds from the wider Speedway community are welcome. We have even had a pledge from a rider - such is the determination across the sport to get this club back on track.
Phillips continued,
"We have applied for a grant from Sport England and we are discussing a loan with Colin Ackroyd of the Speedway Riders' Benevolent Fund [SRBF], but the more we can find raise the less we have to borrow. So, if you are able to pledge a payment towards the fund, please send it by bank transfer (Bank account details: Zempler Bank, Account name: Mildenhall Speedway Supporters CIC, Account number: 13111289, Sort code: 08-71-99 ) or you can send a cheque, made payable to 'Mildenhall Speedway Supporters CIC’, to Mildenhall Speedway, Post Office House, Hanworth, Norfolk NR11 7AE.
Steve Ribbons made a further clear assurance,
“I am not prepared to have a rider with life changing injuries on my conscience and we will do EXACTLY what has been advised to do, or… we do not run - it’s as simple as that. But rest assured we are exploring every avenue to get this sorted as soon as possible.
“We will keep fans updated in the coming days and weeks on how we are progressing and the timescales we should expect with this. It's worth remembering that this remarkable venture, with so much incredible support behind it, only got off the ground in January when I was able to meet with Deane Wood of Spedeworth - their support and that of the Speedway family has been so heartening and gives us great optimism moving forward”.